Monday night as we were filling the tub with water for Emmie's bath, Ammon and I went into the bedroom for a minute as Emmie was content playing with her bath toys on the bathroom floor. When we came back into the bathroom, not 2 minutes later, she had found her way into the tub fully dressed and even with a poopy diaper! It was amazing. She sure thought it was great and the pictures prove it.
Halloween was fun. We spent the night trick-or-treating with Daniel (my 6 yr old bro.) and at the ward trunk-or-treat. Emmalyn found this costume at the goodwill and wouldn't put it down. We had originally planned on being an elephant, but due to my lack of planning, and her love for this dog- she got her way. She still drags the costume around the house hugging and jumping on it (both signs of affection). She is at a really fun stage right now. She is talking gibberish a ton and is signing the important things. She loves to give kisses (she has FINALLY mastered the closed mouth version), hugs, high-five, wave, and dance- oh boy can she dance! It's a ball!
Some of you might know that we have our own version of the ever-so-popular Love Sac. Its something Ammon has had since before we met. Sadly, when we moved to Oregon the foam for this bag was left behind due to lack of space in the truck. We have missed our bag and it was only just a month or so ago that we acquired enough foam to bring it back to life. It was a very joyous day in the Cheney household; no more movies watched uncomfortably, no more episodes of Arrested Development or the Office spent on a hard, unfriendly futon. Emmie, being the smart girl that she is, has grown a love for the bag as well. Ammon loves to throw her in it and she can't get enough but he does grow weary after a while. In an attempt to curb this exhaustion he decided to teach her how to jump into it. The video below is her first night learning to jump and it is pretty entertaining. The other pictures are from the day we stuffed it. Oh what a mess!