My little punk rock princess!
Thanks to Vanessa for buying her this shirt, my little girl is already showing signs of her rebelious ways. I woke up this morning and this is how she looked. I just thought I would share my joy with you :)
Well onto something else... I can't beleive that Thanksgiving is over! We spent it over at my Uncle Mikes house and like always, there was too much food. This time it was the pies that did us in. There were 12 of us there and we seriously had 10 different pies. It was out of control, but who cares, its pie! My Mom and I found out that the mall was giving out $10.00 gift cards to the first 200 people Friday morning. So, 1o bucks is 10 bucks, right? After much heckleing from my dear sweet Ammon, and him betting that I wouldn't ever wake up on time, We arrived at home by 1:00am from a long night of games and... of course, pie, and went to bed. I got 3.5 hours sleep on thursday all for a gift card, $10.00 more dollars from waking up and winning out Ammon on his bet, and the satisfaction of running through the mall with hundreds of other crazy people at 6:00 o'clock in the morning- ooh yeah and we got a snowglobe too. It actually was very fun, and I came out with an additional $15.00 in Kolhs cash after waiting in line for an hour and having the cashier mess up. Not bad, eh? I got home from shopping at about 10:30am and who was still asleep? Hmmm I will let you figure that one out :)
Today starts my, "I don't want to look like I had a baby 4 months ago" diet and exersise plan. I am pretty excited about it. I do know that Christmas is coming up so it will be called off for a few days, but why wait until the end of the year? Nobody ever starts anything that they want to do as a resolution so I am going to beat the system by starting a month in advance. I said goodbye to my old ways yesterday after eating like 4 pieces of pumpkin coffee cake. Why not go out with a bang? Wish me luck.
Well Emmie is awake now, and we are off to clean the bathroom and make some phone calls- fun eh? Keep us posted on what's new in your life. Love ya all!
3 months ago